Mental Glitches (Series)

January – March 2022

Acryla gouache and coloured pencil on Fabriano paper

Three paintings under the series “Mental Glitches”
The series „Mental Glitches“ which explores forms of memory falsification and illusions of memories.


Mental Glitches I – Jamais Vu

"Jamais vu" is described as the opposite of deja-vu. In this phenomenon, a person, circumstance or place - although actually known - is perceived as completely new or even eerie.


Mental Glitches II – Déjà rêvé

"Déjà rêvé" (French: "already dreamed") is the feeling of experiencing memories or scenes that one has already dreamed of.


Mental Glitches III – Presque Vu

Presque vu (French, meaning "almost seen") is the intense feeling of being on the very brink of a powerful epiphany, insight, or revelation, without actually achieving the revelation. It is like forgetting a name, but you’re sure that you will remember it every second because you actually know it.




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